Lettuce Commerce

Unveiling Lettuce Commerce:
Transforming Commerce with PXM Expertise

Today marks a significant milestone for Lettuce Commerce as we proudly announce our public launch. Although this may be our official debut, our journey began months ago, driven by a relentless commitment to address the pressing challenges faced by brands trying to build modern Commerce technology stacks.

Our team (more on us later) set out to prove a hypothesis that has become increasingly evident: the rise of Product Experience Management (PXM) within Commerce tech stacks is more crucial than ever before. 

In an era marked by frequent replatforming and brand consolidation, establishing a robust foundation of PXM is imperative for navigating the ever-changing landscape of Commerce. The seamless connection of product information to every team and customer touchpoint spanning sales, service, and personalization is paramount for delivering world-class omni-channel digital experiences.

Over the past few months, we started talking to our network and to manufacturers facing these challenges in order to prove the viability of our place in the market. We immediately found clients that had the challenges we knew we could help solve, and we dove right in to successfully implement end-to-end PXM for Commerce solutions for several large brand manufacturers. We are proud to say that these are now referenceable clients who would attest to our approach, quality, and urgency.

Now, at present, we are excited to join the ecosystem as a systems integrator, where we specialize in bridging the gap between PXM and Commerce, offering deep domain expertise in platforms like Salsify, Shopify, and Salesforce, alongside extensive experience in large-scale digital transformations. 

Our focus extends beyond basic implementations and integrations; we are committed to accelerating growth through fast time-to-value, technology-enabled solutions. With a unique perspective stemming from our involvement in building Salsify over the past decade, we aim to revolutionize the ecosystem.

Lettuce Commerce is co-founded by Joe Gaudreau, Dave Simel and John Apicella, with a combined 25+ years in hands-on and leadership roles at Salsify. Their backgrounds are customer-centric, all having started their technology careers in Customer Success organizations. 

In closing, as we embark on this exciting journey, we invite you to join us in cultivating growth and innovation. Let’s harness the power of PXM to transform Commerce and achieve success together. 

Let’s Grow!